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Role of Homeopathy in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

treat pcos with homeopathic remedy

More often than not, PCOD and PCOS are used interchangeably, but while they can co-exist, they are not the same. PCOD is just a part/sign of the syndrome PCOS.
PCOD – Polycystic Ovarian Disease
PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
The only evident difference between the two is Disease and Syndrome but these two
terms are self-explanatory for us to understand the difference. While PCOD is a medical
condition in which the ovaries produce immature eggs in large numbers that become cysts
eventually. Whereas PCOS is a syndrome i.e. combination of Disease conditions of females
in their reproductive age consisting of a combination of hormonal imbalance and metabolic
disorders leading to various signs and symptoms.


The disorder was first known as Stein Leventhal Syndrome (after its founder) after which it
was called PCOD and today as we understand that the disorder is so much more than
multiple cysts in the ovary we now use the term PCOS as it encompasses the various
aspects of the disorder.

treatment of pcos with homeopathy medicine


Worldwide: 4 to 20% of women
India: 3.7 to 22.5%


● Oligo/anovulation
● Hyperandrogenism (Clinical/Chemical)
● Polycystic ovaries (USG) [PCOD]
The presence of any 2 of the 3 conditions given is sufficient to diagnose PCOS.

  1. Oligo/Anovulation: Normal cycle: 24-35 days
    Cyclic menses at normal intervals cannot be regarded as proof of ovulation, 15-40%
    females are eumenorrheic despite oligo/anovulation.
  2. Hyperandrogenism:
    ● Clinical – Acne Hirsutism
    Androgenic alopecia
    (All are effects of androgens on pilosebaceous units i.e. sebaceous gland, erector
    pili muscle, hair follicle)
    HIRSUTISM can be assessed using the Modified Ferriman-Gallwey score.
    ● Chemical – Elevated levels of Testosterone
    DHEA-S is a traditional marker for adrenal androgen excess because:
    ● It is derived exclusively from adrenal
    ● Relatively high concentration
    ● Stable across the day & menstrual cycle.
    DHEA-S may also be misleading because:
    ● It may also be elevated in tumors.
    ● It may lack sensitivity and specificity to identify the adrenal cause.
  3. Polycystic ovaries:
    As per rotterdam criteria
    ● >=12 follicles
    ● Cysts 2-9 mm diameter.
    The volume and architecture of the ovary are not considered.
    Females using oral contraceptive pills may show polycystic ovaries in ultrasound.
    False positive ultrasound: Hyperprolactinemia
    Hypothalamic amenorrhea
    Normal pubertal development



● Visceral fat > Subcutaneous fat
● Increased intra-abdominal obesity
● Increased waist-hip ratio
● Obesity is a risk factor and not an essential factor.


● 50 to 75% of females with PCOS have insulin resistance
● IR causes increased insulin which further leads to increased ovarian androgen, increased LH, and decreased hepatic SHBG all of which lead to Hyperandrogenism.
● Test – OGTT


● High LH
● Low/ normal FSH
● High LH: FSH


● High HDL
● High Triglycerides (associated with IR)
● High LDL Normal lipid profile can also be seen in PCOS females


  1. USG – number of cysts >=12
    Size 2-9mm diameter
  2. Serum values
    Luteinizing hormone – raised
    Follicular stimulating hormone – lower/normal
    LH: FSH – raised
    Testosterone – raised
    DHEA-S – raised
    Oestrone – raised
  3. Other tests to be done
    Fasting lipid profile
    2-hour Oral glucose tolerance test
treatment of pcos with homeopathy medicine

Lifestyle Management

  1. Diet
  2. Weight management
  3. Exercise
  4. Stress management
  5. Sleep schedule

Drug Indication Side effects
Oral contraceptive pills
(First line of treatment)
Not trying to conceive Insulin resistance
Cardiac issues
Clomiphene citrate Anovulation Multiple pregnancies
Hot flashes
Metformin Insulin resistance
Diabetes mellitus
GIT complaints

Homeopathic Treatment Of PCOS

Various Homeopathic medicines indicated in cases of PCOS such as:

Prescription varies from patient to patient as different patients suffering from PCOS show
a different picture that not everyone exhibits all symptoms of the syndrome, therefore,
prescription can be made based on the prominent symptoms seen in that patient for instance
HIRSUTISM – Sepia officinalis, Oleum jecoris
Acne – Sulphur, Silicea, Kali Brom
OBESITY – Calcarea carb, Graphites, Ammonium carb
Ovarian cyst – APIs mel, Thuja, Iodum, Conium mac

We must understand that while PCOS is a complex disease manifested in the form of
various disease conditions in the female body, a syndrome of such magnitude does not just
appear in a day, it is important to peel the layers and reach the core behind the massive
complex that appears as a consequence. Knowing the cause, be it hereditary, sedentary
lifestyle, stress, etc. Helps us find the right remedy for that given case of PCOS.

treatment of pcos with homeopathy medicine

Case Report:

Patient Miss XYZ, aged 27 years, a primary teacher by profession came to the clinic as she
suffered from Irregular menses for the past 3 years, she was always a scholar during her
schooling and therefore she and her parents had very high expectations from her. The Father of
the patient wanted her to be a Chartered accountant but she wanted to be a lawyer, but due
to family pressure she was bound to pursue commerce, but despite all her efforts she
couldn’t clear her CA finals as her heart was not in it. She loved her father dearly but her
failed attempts made her feel she failed her father and being a scholar throughout school

she felt like a failure when she couldn’t clear her CA exams. This feeling lurked in the patient
even after the patient started her career as a teacher, which led to her abnormal menses,
and on getting a USG done polycystic ovaries were also seen. The patient took allopathic
treatment for 1.5 years and Homoeopathic treatment for 6 months, but had no relief. After
the patient’s anamnesis, it was found that too high expectations from parents and oneself were the core of the patient’s problem, and therefore Carcinosinum 200 was prescribed, which gradually improved the patient and did not require repetition The patient started having
regular cycles of 26 days and the patient was observed for the next 4 months.


1. Endometrial hyperplasia/carcinoma – due to constant estrogen stimulation.

2. Infertility

3. Metabolic syndrome/ Syndrome “X”

● Increased waist circumference

● Hypertension (>= 130/85 mmHg)

● Raised Triglycerides (>=150 mg/dl)

● Low HDL (< 50 mg/dl)

● High Fasting glucose (>=100 mg/dl) or known case of Diabetes.

4. Cardiovascular diseases

5. Type 2 Diabetes

It is important to understand that PCOS is not just a gynecological disease, rather it is a
complex issue that hampers the quality of life of a female as it causes weight gain,
acne, facial hair, and hair fall which leads to body shaming & lack of self-confidence. Irregularities
in menses hamper the routine as the patient is always concerned about her menses
approaching. Infertility from PCOS takes a mental toll on the patient and the entire family.

This is a serious condition that must be treated with caution and appropriate treatment.

It takes the right amount of time to reverse PCOS and allow patients to live normal and healthy

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Treat Your Eczema With Homeopathic Medicine

treat eczema and dermatitis with homeopathy medicine

Eczema is a prevalent skin condition that is long-lasting, not contagious and is characterized by dry skin, red scaly patches in one area, intense itchiness, and skin discomfort. This condition can also be referred to as atopic eczema, neurodermatitis, or atopic dermatitis. It affects a proportion of 20% of children and 10% of the adult population in India and ranks as the 15th most common non-fatal disease worldwide and is the leading skin disease in terms of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs).

The skin eruptions linked with eczema are recognizable due to the presence of small raised bumps, the formation of crusts and scales, and fluid-filled blisters on reddened and swollen skin. Though, in darker skin, it might be tough to recognize the redness. When the eruptions or scales persist for long periods, the skin might thicken resulting in a condition called lichenification.

The causes of eczema are linked to a genetic variation that affects the skin’s capacity to offer protection. Due to a weakened barrier function, the skin becomes less capable of retaining moisture and safeguarding against bacteria, irritants, allergens, and environmental factors such as tobacco smoke. Other causes include the excessive presence of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria on the skin.

eczema and dermatitis problem

Types of Eczema

1.Atopic Dermatitis –This type of eczema leads to dryness, inflammation, and itching in the affected area. It usually affects young children and can happen to people of any age.
2.Contact Dermatitis – Also known as allergic contact dermatitis, is caused by environmental factors.
3.Neurodermatitis or  –      Discoid EczemaThis form affects small patches of skin. It makes them itchy and scaly.
4.Dyshidrotic Eczema –The skin can become dry and a person may experience a burning sensation, rashes and blisters with this form of eczema.
5.   Nummular Eczema –This condition results in the development of circular lesions throughout the entire body, with a particular prominence on the arms and legs.  
6.Seborrheic Dermatitis –A type of eczema that causes inflammation specifically on the scalp.
7.Stasis Dermatitis –A condition characterized by changes in skin coloration on the legs that resemble varicose veins.

The American Academy of Dermatology states that the clinical diagnosis of eczema is determined by examining skin signs, identifying the location of the skin lesions, noting any related clinical findings, and determining if there is a history of atopy in the individual or their family. It is crucial to seek advice from a dermatologist, as each variant of this disease has its characteristic triggers and treatment requirements.

Treatment of eczema usually involves oral antibiotics, corticosteroids, and topical medications such as creams, gels, or ointments, which are applied directly to the affected skin to alleviate itching and reduce redness and swelling. It can be managed with lukewarm baths using a mild soap and applying moisturizer every day on the skin and by wearing cotton or soft fabrics clothes.

treat eczema and dermatitis with homeopathy

Homeopathic Management Of Eczema

Homeopathy is a holistic system of treatment that is safe, effective and involves the use of highly diluted substances to treat a variety of skin conditions, including eczema.

Homeopathic remedies for eczema are based on the principle of “like cures like,” meaning that a substance that causes similar symptoms in a healthy person is used to treat those symptoms in a sick person.

Homeopathy can help the body to move towards a healthier state and improve eczema by balancing the immune system. The chances of improvement are high because the body is capable of regulating itself.

The healing process follows Hering’s law of cure, where the deepest level symptoms are the first to improve, followed by the less severe ones.

If treatment is successful, the overall health of an individual will improve before eczema improves, starting with the face and trunk, and lastly, the extremities. According to the Homeopathic concept of disease, eczema is linked to the Psoric miasm, typically seen in individuals who have a sensitive, weak, and reactive personalities. They often have a tendency to develop chronic skin problems, which can be aggravated by stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalances.

In Previous studies, it was found that Graphites 30C shows good improvement in all symptoms of this problem. In another study most frequently prescribed homeopathic medicines were Calcarea carbonicum, Tuberculinum, and Medorrhinum.

Homeopathic Therapeutics

  • Sulphur: Used when the skin is dry, scaly, and itchy, with a burning sensation.
  • Graphites: Useful for treating dry, cracked, and scaly skin.
  • Arsenicum album: It is recommended for itchy, burning, and painful eczema that is aggravated at night.
  • Petroleum: Helps to relieve eczema with cracks that bleed, especially on the hands, fingers, and feet.
  • Natrum muriaticum: It is used for eczema that is triggered by emotional stress and has a tendency to form blisters.
treatment of eczema and dermatitis


Homeopathy aims to stimulate the body’s natural healing process and improve the patient’s overall health and can provide a long-term solution to eczema, promoting overall well-being and improving patients’ quality of life. To accurately determine the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment for eczema, it is necessary to conduct larger studies using various study designs and larger groups of participants.

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How to Treat Hypothyroidism or Thyroid?

hypothyroidism or thyroid treatment

Hypothyroidism is the most common Thyroid disorder in India. It is an endocrine disorder that
occurs as a result of an underactive thyroid. The gland fails to produce enough thyroid hormones
per the body’s requirements leading to raised Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).


The Thyroid is an endocrine gland that secretes 3 main hormones:

  • Triiodothyronine or T3
  • Thyroxine or T4
  • Calcitonin

T3 & T4 are the main Thyroid hormones and calcitonin deals with calcium metabolism.
Production of T3 & T4 – Thyroid glands combines iodine with tyrosine amino acid thus producing
thyroid hormones that regulate the metabolism.
Production of TSH – produced by the Pituitary gland as per requirement, i.e. when T3 & T4 levels go
down the pituitary gets a signal to release TSH, which increases the levels of T3 & T4.

treatment for thyroid or hypothyroidism


Prevalence of self-reported Thyroid disorders as per National Family Health Survey 5 (NFHS V) 2019-
21 was 2.9%.
The male: female ratio is approximately 1:6. It also stated that prevalence increased with age in
women, i.e.
15-19 years – 0.7%
20-34 years – 1.8%
35-49 years – 3.4%
These statistics clearly state that women are more prone to thyroid disorders, especially hypothyroidism.


There are various causes that lead to Hypothyroidism like

  • Autoimmune – Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease with TSH blocking antibodies,
  • Atropic hypothyroidism.
  • Iatrogenic – Thyroidectomy, Radioactive iodine ablation, Drugs, treatment for
  • hyperthyroidism.
  • Transient – Postpartum thyroiditis
  • Iodine deficiency
  • Stress – prolonged emotional disturbance
  • Congenital
  • Secondary Hypothyroidism – TSH deficiency

When we talk of India in particular, Iodine is one of the major causes of hypothyroidism. There is a lack
of iodine in the soil, especially in the mountain regions of India. Therefore, the government of India
introduced Iodised salt in 1983 to deal with this issue of iodine deficiency, and approximately 30
years later India has now completed its transition from Iodine deficiency to “Iodine replete” status as
per Press Information Bureau (PIB). But despite this step, 42.2% of Indian households consume
inadequately iodized salt (2013 study).

treatment of thyroid or hypothyroidism


The thyroid might be a small gland in the neck, but the hormones it produces impact each and every cell
of the body as it plays a vital role in the metabolic activity of the body, therefore, affecting the
functioning of every system of the body be it digestive, reproductive, or any other.

Hypothyroidism can be chiefly classified into 2 types:

  1. Primary hypothyroidism – Here thyroid gland itself is faulty & unable to produce the right
    amount of thyroid glands.
  2. Secondary hypothyroidism – It occurs as a result of a problem at the level of the pituitary
    gland resulting in failure to produce the required quantity of TSH, further leading to
    decreased quantities of T3 & T4.

In the beginning, when the under activity of the thyroid is in its initial stages, the manifestations may
not be very clear which many times leads to the disease being undiagnosed, but as the disease
progresses, i.e. as the duration & severity increases the variety of sign and symptoms begin to manifest
like :

  • Weakness & fatigue
  • Weight gain & difficulty in shedding the weight
  • Muscle pain
  • Hair – falling, thinning & lusterless
  • Skin – dry
  • Face – puffy & swollen (periorbital)
  • Myxoedema – non pitting oedema on feet
  • Constipation
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Infertility
  • Mood swings & irritability
  • Depression
  • Impaired memory


  1. Mental health issues – Slowness of mental activity and even depression as the
    the severity of the disease increases.
  2. Goiter
  3. Increased risk of heart disease – due to high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol)
  4. Infertility & repeated miscarriages.


Treatment can be done in 2 ways :
a) Supplementing with inadequate hormones (allopathic method) – giving the patient
levothyroxine externally due to which in the long run body stops producing its own and
a lifetime of supplementation is required.
b) Making the body capable of producing the hormones in the necessary amounts and
maintaining the bodily equilibrium (homeopathic method)
c) Lifestyle management – this is needed with all types of treatments. Regular exercise to
maintain the weight & metabolism, eat the right kind of foods, adequate sleep and
meditation helps in fighting stress which in today’s world is a leading cause of all lifestyle

How to treat thyroid with homeopathy


The conventional treatment believes in giving the patient a daily dose of thyroxine in its synthetic
form i.e. levothyroxine. But homeopathic treatment is not done on the basis of the disease rather
on the overall picture of the patient i.e. patient’s personality, chief complaint, personal and family
history, accompanying complaints, and any other peculiarity of the patient is kept in mind while
prescribing the medicine to the patient. The various medicines that are indicated in cases of
Hypothyroidism is:

  1. Thyroidinum
  2. Calcarea carbonicum
  3. Natrum muriaticum
  4. Sepia officinalis
  5. Graphites
  6. Kali carb
  7. Iodum
  8. Spongia


Post case taking & physical examination a physician can take the help of various lab investigations &
scans to reach the diagnosis of Hypothyroidism.

  • Blood tests – Thyroid profile

Type of hypothyroidism – T3 & T4 – TSH
Primary hypothyroidism – Low – Elevated
Secondary Hypothyroidism – Low – Low

  • Anti-TPO antibody – a useful marker to diagnose auto-immune thyroid disease or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
  • USG of neck & thyroid – to detect nodes & other growths.


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the first step to prevent such disorders. Early diagnosis also helps to
manage the condition better as the sooner it is diagnosed the easier it becomes to regulate the
the activity of the underactive thyroid. In longstanding cases the thyroid when becomes dependent on
synthetic hormones stop producing their own, therefore, it is better to opt for a treatment that
helps in maintaining the activity of the underactive thyroid rather than making it dependent on
external sources.