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Master Samuel Hahnemann was the first who began a thorough investigation into the pathogenetic effect and therapeutic uses of biochemic medicines. It was his proof of lime, salt, potash, and silica that prepared the way for the rest of the tissue remedy. It was Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler of Germany, who uses these suggestions and give the idea to make a new system. In 1873 with the publication of his article “Abridged Homoeopathic therapeutics” this new system come to light.  Soon after C. Hering published his work “Twelve tissue remedies”. But Dr. Schussler later denies any connection with homeopathy and insists that his method is not based on homeopathic law, but upon physiologic-chemical processes that take place within the organism.

Concept of tissue remedy

The main idea on which biochemic therapeutics is based is the physiological fact that both the structure and vitality of the organs of the body are dependent upon certain necessary quantities and proper apportionment of its organic constituents.

Inorganic constituents of cells

The main inorganic material of nerve cells is magnesium phos, kali phos, natrum, and ferrum. Muscle cells contain the same with the addition of kali mur. Connective tissue cells have for their specific substance silica, while elastic tissue has Calcarea fluor. In bone cells, we have Calcarea fluor and magnesia phos. And large proportion of calcarea phos. Cartilage and mucus cells have their specific inorganic material natrum mur.

Concept of health disease and cure according to biochemic system of medicine

Health is considered a state of normal cell metamorphosis; as the normal functioning of the body there is a building of new cells and the destruction of old ones, and the elimination of useless material occurs. This whole process is done by digestion of food and drinks which recompense the blood for the loss, it sustains by furnishing nutritive material to the tissues. Under this condition, there is a building of new cells and the destruction of old ones. 

The disease is the result of a disturbance of the molecular motion of one of the inorganic tissue salts. The cure consists of the restoration of the equilibrium of the molecular motion by furnishing a minimal dose of the same inorganic substance.

Every normal cell has the faculty of absorbing or rejecting certain substances. This property is diminished or suspended when the cell has suffered a loss in one of its salts as a consequence of any irritation. As soon as this deficiency is made good by a supply of a homogeneous material from the immediate nutritive soil, the equilibrium is re-established. But if the supply is not offered spontaneously, it is to be assumed that the needful salt is lacking in quantity, or, on the other hand, that the diseased cells have suffered a physical alteration besides, which precludes the entrance of the required tissue salt. In such a case the salt must be offered in a more diluted state, that is, a higher trituration.

If the altered cells regain their integrity by recovering their loss, they can again perform their normal functions and bring about the removal by chemical processes of morbid products, exudations, etc. The biochemical therapeutics aids nature in her efforts to cure by supplying the natural remedies lacking in certain parts, that is, the inorganic cell salts, and in this way corrects abnormal states of physiological chemistry.


Dose, or quantity of tissue salt required to re-establish normal cell equilibrium

Administration of medicine

Biochemic remedies are administered in minimal doses. Usual useful doses are 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th decimal trituration. The most frequently used is the 6th decimal trituration.

Biochemic medicine may be administered dry on the tongue or dissolved in a spoonful of water.

Frequency of doses

In acute cases, a dose every hour or two; in severe, painful affections, a dose every ten to fifteen minutes; in chronic affections, one to four doses daily.

The uses of twelve Biochemic medicine with indications

  1. Calcarea fluorica

A disturbance of equilibrium of these molecules results in prolapse, dilation, and relaxed condition of elastic fibers. It is used for prolapsed organs, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and vascular tumors. Hard swelling and bone derangement often call for Calc. Fluor.

  • Calcium phosphorica

The inability of the body to assimilate and utilize this salt results in difficult dentition at a young age, slow development, and general debility. It is the best tonic after exhausting illness and is employed in T.B. cases, bone diseases, emaciation, anemia, painful and difficult menses, and for conditions of puberty.

  • Calcium sulphurica

The sphere of this remedy comes under the healing of suppurative tissue. Used for mattery discharges, abscesses, boils, ulcers, blood disorders, rheumatism, etc.

  • Ferrum phosphoricum

It is used for ailments arising from disturbed or sluggish circulation. Used in fever and inflammations. An ideal remedy for pain accompanied by heat, redness, throbbing pulse, and congestion. Good for colds, diarrhea, hemorrhages, rheumatism, nose bleed, simple catarrh, bed-wetting, etc.

  • Kali muriaticum

Used in all ailments accompanied by grey or white coating of tongue, thick white discharge and expectorations, skin diseases, colitis, dysentery, etc. ailments characterized by exudations, infiltrations, swellings, and the later stages of acute illness.

  • Kali phosphoricum

The supreme remedy for nervous disorders and nervous debility. For lack of nervous energy, brain fatigue, neurasthenia, insomnia, lack of confidence, irritability, hysteria, melancholy, gloominess, tearfulness (with Nat. Mur.), nervous headaches, pain in the limbs, offensive ulcers, and offensive discharges.

  • Kali sulphuricum

Indicated when the tongue is yellow-coated. In the last stage of cold and cough when expectoration is easy. Skin is oily, peels easily, and has yellow or greenish discharge. The person is worse in a heated atmosphere and towards evening. Useful in catarrhal condition, and leucorrhea when discharge is yellow.

  • Magnesia phosphorica

The ailments are relieved by the application of heat. A chief remedy for spasmodic conditions: ailments accompanied by sharp, shooting, stabbing pains. Ailments which it has been employed with success are flatulence, colic, St. Vitus’s Dance, neuralgia, neurasthenia, palpitation, toothache, writer’s cramp, etc. a fine remedy for tummy pains of babies. A few tablets of Mag. Phos. Dissolved in hot water, and taken in sips, will usually relieve distressing flatulence.

  • Natrum muriaticum

It is the first remedy to think of for anemia and malnutrition. Used for headaches, indigestion, vomiting, thin catarrh, cold with watery discharge, watery blisters, constipation, mental anxiety, and disorders due to mal-assimilation.

  1. Natrum phosphoricum

The biochemic anta-acid. Used for all disorders due to acidity and acid condition of the body. Used for acid dyspepsia, sour risings, acid diarrhea, rheumatic disorders, nervous troubles, and worms. A sure guide for indication is the thick yellow-coated tongue. Good for children who have acidity from eating too many sweets and cakes.

  1. Natrum sulphuricum

A great remedy for the liver and kidneys. Usually indicated in people who are worse in damp weather. It is used in all liver troubles, biliousness, sick headache, migraine, vomiting of bile, bitter taste in the mouth, diarrhea, influenza, intermittent fever, gravel, poor kidney function, dropsy, etc.

  1. Silica

This remedy is used to promote the formulation of pus and suppuration. Used for abscesses and for boils that will not discharge. Has produced wonderful results in the more advanced diseases of the nervous system, forms of paralysis, spasms, rheumatic pains in the limbs, etc. it is also advised for those who lack self-confidence and courage and have an inferiority complex.

calcium deficiency

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