NT-HOF Drops


NT-HOF is a homeopathic medicine for sleep problems, bladder issues, heart health, sex life change, mood, period, and physical change in women. It is also helpful in aches and pains during periods.

All products are manufactured under WHO GMP Certified facilities available in Homeopathic Manufacturing units with the strict and proper procedures mentioned in Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of India. All Homeopathic Dilutions are potentized Homoeopathic medicines manufactured by the use of Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) which is free from impurities like aldehydes and ketones. We do Quality Control at our best from Raw material to Finished Products and all Batches are properly lab-tested before they come out for the Manufacturing Unit.





NT-HOF is a homeopathic medicine for sleep problems, bladder issues, heart health, sex life changes, mood, period, and physical changes in women. It is also helpful in aches and pains during periods.

Hot Flashes

Hot flashes cause a sudden sensation of heat in the upper body. A person might experience symptoms in the chest, arms, neck, or face.

The heart rate also tends to increase during a hot flash, intensifying the sensation of heat. Most hot flashes last between 30 seconds and 10 minutes, but they can be longer.

The frequency of hot flashes varies significantly among individuals. For instance, they can happen many times an hour, a few times a day, or less than once a week. Some people find that their hot flashes follow a predictable pattern.

During a hot flash, blood vessels in the upper body expand, allowing more blood flow to the area. This increased blood flow can cause blotchy patches on the skin, or flushing.

Some people report experiencing anxiety and stress during a hot flash, especially if they are out in public and feel concerned about looking flushed.

After a hot flash, as the body attempts to cool itself, a person may experience sweating that causes them to feel cold or shiver.

Fluctuating estrogen levels may affect blood vessels, causing sudden changes in vessel dilation that trigger hot flashes.

The transition to menopause usually begins between the ages of 45 and 55 years.  A person reaches menopause after 1 year without a period. The average age of menopause is 51 years.

However, some people experience early menopause in their 30s. Others may continue menstruating into their late 50s or even early 60s.

Those in their 20s or 30s who experience sudden rushes of heat may have another problem, such as a fever, infection, or inflammation.

Other Signs and Symptoms of Menopause

Some other symptoms of menopause include:

  • Period changes: Menopause is when a person goes 12 months without a period. During perimenopause, it is common to experience changes in periods. Periods may get lighter, irregular, closer together, or less frequent.
  • Physical changes: Many people notice that their weight distribution changes during perimenopause and when they stop menstruating. Their waist might expand, and they may have more difficulty maintaining muscle mass.
  • Aches and pains: Some people report headaches,  muscle pains, or muscle spasms.
  • Mood changes: Fluctuating hormone levels can affect a person’s mental health and mood. Some people also feel emotional about the transition to menopause. People might feel excited to begin a new chapter sad to reach this natural transition or both at the same time. Additional stresses, such as aging parents, a history of, depression, or fatigue from sleep loss, can also contribute to mood changes.
  • Sex life changes: Vaginal health is common during menopause. Some people report that sex becomes more uncomfortable, which may be due to dryness and thinning skin. A person’s attitudes about sex might also change.
  • Heart health and vascular changes: Blood pressure may go up during menopause. Some people also report having a racing heart.
  • Bladder issues: Some women experience an increase in bladder infections or pain. Others may have to manage incontinence or leaks.
  • Sleep problems: Hot flashes can make sleep difficult, causing night sweats and other symptoms. Even without hot flashes, many people experience changes in sleep leading up to menopause. Some have insomnia, nightmares, or other sleep disturbances.


  1. ARNICA MONTANA 3X: Fears touch, or the approach of anyone. Unconscious, when spoken to answers correctly, but relapses. Indifference, inability to perform continuous active work, morose, delirious. Nervous, cannot bear the pain, whole body oversensitive. Says there is nothing the matter with him. Wants to be let alone. Bruised parts after labor. Violent after pain,  uterine hemorrhages from mechanical injury after coition. Sore nipple. Mastitis from injury. Feeling as if a fetus were lying crosswise. There is the heat of the upper part of the body and coldness of the lower part. Flushes come out from the head and face.


  1. CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA 3X: Amenorrhoea. Pain in the ovarian region shoots upward and down the anterior surface of the thighs. Pain immediately before menses. Menses profuse, dark, coagulated, offensive with backache, nervousness, always irregular. Ovarian neuralgia. Pain across the pelvis, from hip to hip. After pains, with great sensitiveness and intolerance to pain. Infra-mammary pains are worse left side. Facial blemishes in young women. An arthritic condition during menopause; hot flushes from the body with menopause depression.


  1. CRATAEGUS OXYACANTHA Q: Irritable, cross, and melancholic. Apprehensive, despondent. Despair feels weak. Mental dullness. Makes mistakes. Confused feeling, followed by a feeling of quiet and calmness mentally. Anxiety with palpitation. Hurried feeling with rapid action of heat. Very nervous and irritable, with pain in the back of the head and neck. Irritable, cross, and despondent. Morose and sulky. Ailments from grief.


  1. JANOSIA ASHOKA 3X: Has extensive sphere of action on female organs. Amenorrhoea and metrorrhagia. Delayed and irregular menses, menstrual colic, amenorrhoea, pain in ovaries before flow, menorrhagia irritable bladder, and leucorrhoea.


  1. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS 3X: Flushed. Neuralgia, pain extends in all directions from the upper jaw. Redness and burning of cheeks. Hectic flush. Fullness and tenderness behind the angle of jaws. Climacteric disorder.


Packing: 30ml.

Dosage: Adult-10 drops, in ¼ cup of water, 4 times a day.

Or as directed by the physician.

Contraindication: No known contraindication.

For the use of only a registered medical practitioner or a hospital or a laboratory.


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